Monday, November 24, 2008

The Holidays are coming...the holidays are coming...

That's right! Whether we are ready or not the holidays are upon us! This weekend, after the awesome slaughtering of the stinky Wolverines, we spent a lot of time getting ready for the Rustic clan to descend on Hilliard, OH! Once again, all 13 of us will be together for 4 days! We love it!

But first, let me just say that Abbi had a heck of a soccer game on Saturday morning. She had 2 goals and an assist. She is really improving with each week. She stays in her position, does her best to control the ball and listens to her coach. We are very proud of her and the whole Sweetfeet team! They rock!

Alison on the other hand is still not eating so great. Dance is going well. She is really a good little dancer. Her class is going to dance in a special Cinderella production in June. She is excited about that.

They both had a great conference and are doing very well in school and their teachers love having them in class. I keep asking whose children they are telling me about...

Most of you know that Keegan, our dog, is not well. He really does not seem to be getting any better, maybe even a touch worse. It's odd how all seemed fine until the vet points out all his issues, and now he seems so sickly to me. I hope he holds on through the holidays and the girls 8th birthday.

I am really starting to get into the Christmas spirit. Now, that I am wrapping up our grant cycle at work, I feel like I might be able to breathe a little. I hope to get to see our family and friends and have some fun throughout December. The last 4 months, have been work work work!

Doug is traveling a lot this year, so we have had to adjust. It's really good for his career and he seems to enjoy getting away from the 3 of us a little too much!

That's all for now! Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Appointment Results and a Busy Busy Week

Sorry, that there was just a big tease about Alison's clinic appt. As you can guess I wasn't running to post results because there just is not anything great to say. Bottom line...she is too little and it is going to eventually affect her health. Her PFT's were great, but she only weighs 38 pounds, and she will be 8 years old in less than 2 months. That is really all there is to say. I'm at a loss.

Then, our week just got crazy, with getting the girls ready to head to Grammy's and us to Chicago. We had a great time. Tom and Andrea had some great restaurants picked out for us to eat at, and on Saturday I had probably one of the best meals of my life!

The Buckeyes won and all 7 of us made to Chicago and back without voting anyone off the Island! I highly recommend the space and comfort of a Honda Odyssy. I was pretty comfortable the whole way, and there were 7 adults in the van. I hope the others feel the same way! I will post pictures once I get them off our camera.

This week will get even nuttier, Doug is currently on a plane to San Diego and will not return till late Thursday night. So, I am single parenting this week. This girls and I plan to do some bonding in the form of cleaning out closets, draws, and purging the toy room to prepare for birthday and Christmas. Anyone who wants to help is welcome to come on over! I am sure you will be running over to help!

Have a great week, and hope to see most of you on the 22nd for the OSU Michigan game, if not before.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

November Clinic

Keep your fingers crossed - we are hoping for a weight gain! Alison has clinic today and will have a weight check and a lung function check (PFT). Think heavy and clear thoughts!

I will post once we are home tonight. We have a busy night, with Clinic, dance and Keegan has to go to the vet. He is just not right!

We also have tons to share, but no time to post....