Doug and I are sitting in Alison's conference with her teacher. She is showing us samples of Alison's writing and how she really needs to do more story development, but apparently she is very good at details. Like..."I heard the door to the garage open and I thought my Dad was going out to get more beer..." And it goes on from there, I wanted the chair to swallow me up, I needed some invisible magic dust or something. Alison, who cannot remember to turn in her reading log, can somehow manage to work into her story at school, daddy's beer habits. Nice!
Or, when we are at clinic with Dr. Shell, she will make sure he knows that she farts a lot, but her daddy farts a lot more, and she really believes that Mommy and Abbi never really fart. COME ON!
I mean this is what I deal with from her on a regular basis, she is hilarious, embarrassing, and stubborn. We never know what will come out of that child's mouth. And we love that about her.
Then there is Abbi...she about the sweetest kiddo you will meet!
Last night, we were making her Valentine's box, and all the sudden I realize she is making 2. I ask, "Abs, why are you making 2 of these?" Her reply, "we have a new student starting in our class tomorrow, and she might not know to make a Valentime's (this is how she says it) box, so I am making one for her" And she just carried on with her business.
I have to say, it left a tear in my eye.
Life is full of surprises, it is nice to know some things in my life I can count on:
a great laugh from Al, and the sweetest acts of kindness from Ab.
We know they are both one of kind and I am not surprised by others!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is hilarious about the beer.
ReplyDeleteso proud!