Tuesday, January 11, 2011

2011 is Here!

So, I have not posted in forever, and I am not really sure anyone even missed it!  But, I feel the need to write today.  2011!  It's here.  So much to look forward to this year.  But, first a little recap on 2010...

1.  Still no cure for CF, but we are getting much much closer.  There are lots of trials taking place that are very promising.
2.  In May, we lost my beautiful Aunt Dee.  Jen, Dad, Doug and I were able to fly down and be with her and the rest of the family to say goodbye.  She was an amazing women who we miss.  Her laugh was infectious and her love for her family so strong.  Cancer sucks! 
3.  4th grade!  I cannot believe my little ladies are in 4th grade.
4.  In November, my sister gave birth to Brandon and Avery!  We love them so much and are so happy they are here and healthy.  Bethany had a rough time of it...but all is well.
5.  Thumb injuries.  UGH!  Both my sister and I had similar thumb injuries and are still recovering.  She has surgery...luckily I did not.  Let's be more careful in 2011.
6.  New job.  I am very excited about my new opportunity at Nationwide.  It is just what I was looking for!
7.  Health!  We had a year of good health in our family! 
8.  The Lake!  Thank GOD for the lake - we spent lots of time there this past summer, boating, tubing, laying in the hammock and laughing with family!  Jim and Doug never let us down with their antics!
9.  Tooth fairy.  I think that the tooth fairy visited our family 20 times this past year.  I do not know how the girls eat a thing.
10.  Cell phones.  I broke down and went against everything I said.  They have them, love them and the excitement in their faces on Christmas morning was 100% worth it!

On to 2011...

1.  So it started with a vicious attack from a hornet in the wee hours of Jan. 1.  Who gets stung in January?  I do, that's who!  I hope that was not a bad sign...maybe a sign of good luck?
2.  Double digits!  The girls are 10!  I have nothing more to say.
3.  Trips!  So many to look forward to!  February - Florida with my sister, March - Florida with the family, April - Minneapolis for work, May - San Diego with Doug, July - Emeral Isle!  What a fun year is planned!
4.  Family!  I am hoping to see lots of our family this year. Last year we all got very busy and did not see each other nearly enough.
5.  Friends!  I am going to make more time for my friends.  They are so important to me and I do not want them to EVER think that I take any of them for granted.  My actions need to show that.  I am looking forward to a great year with friends!
6.  CF - Maybe this year?
7.  40
8.  Fitness and health!  Off to a great start! 
8.  Sinuses!  Poor little Alli is having surgery.  But the good news is, she should feel so much better!
9.  Abbi and Alli - more time doing quality things together!
10.  (I am leaving this one open-ended...I love to be surprised!)

One last thing...I am going to try and keep this blog up.  It is a good way to keep my memories...since I am terrible about baby books and scrap booking! 

Happy 2011 to all and to all a good day!


  1. Very nice post, I agree CANCER does suck!!! Looks like your Feb is too busy for JBJ :) I think it is funny I had this background up until my New Years post....Goodluck blogging more, hopefully we will both do better!

  2. 2011 is going to be a GREAT year!!!
