Sunday, July 20, 2008

Emerald Isle 2008


Well, we are here and safe despite Tropical Storm Cristbol! He came in with us as we crossed the bridge into EI, but he has not caused us too much trouble. While Jen and I did out least favorite thing (the grocery shopping), the kids got to swim for awhile. Apparently, Alison was swimming with and without her "backpack" on. I will believe when I see it....!

Today is Sunday, and after church I have started this blog and cracked a beer. So far I have only bothered Christa 3 times.

The sun is starting to come out, so after lunch we should be able to get outside. Not to the beach unfortunately. The Red flags are still up, which means no swimming in the ocean. The waves are incredible...I have never seen them so big - but with that comes rip tides....not good!

Tomorrow our buddy Cristbol should be long gone up to Virginia Beach, so we should be able to comfortable into our normal routine of reading, drinking ALOT, swimming and sunning.

I am in my HAPPY PLACE! Boy did I miss it!

...till tomorrow!


  1. Yeah! Love it! Looking forward to seeing some pictures and video of the beach!

  2. Awesome, start to your blog, you'll definitely surpass me, I'm terrible at updating.
    Have a great time, can't wait to read more.

  3. Super excited to see you on here! Blogging at the beach...must be nice. Enjoy your vacation! Upload lots of pics.
