Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Abbi's New Room

Abbi is so excited that her room is really coming together. The pink walls are gone, and she has a newly lofted bed! Thanks to Daddy and Justin for putting that together. The theme is beach and flip flops. It has been so fun finding things to put in there. We brought a lot back from NC and I have been searching online. She feels like a big girl now that the awful pink is gone! I guess we all make design mistakes...right??? I would love to hear about your worst decorating decision to date....


  1. OK I have to chime in...I have never seen her room but have always found pink to be a fun color!
    My worst idea was purchasing a cheetah print couch and then adding jungle accesories with it. It was my first apartment and I was so proud.

  2. Melissa - it was Pepto pink - it was bad. Those of you who have seen it...feel free to comment!

  3. I cannot make mistakes since Kevin is Anti-color :)
    Glad she is happy with it.
    You have been a busy blogging girl!
